Sending Star-CCM+ simulations to ARCHIE-WeST
On this page:
An example script and instructions on how to send jobs to ARCHIE-WeST to run Star-CCM+ simulations in parallel.
- Example script file
- Instructions on how to send a simulation to Archie through Thinlinc or MobaXterm
- Instructions on how to open Star-CCM+ in Archie through Thinlinc of MobaXterm
Example script file
This is an example script file. Everything in square brackets []
must be removed for the script to run.
# Job script for running StarCCM+ on a multiple nodes
# Propogate environment variables to the compute node
#SBATCH --export=ALL
# Run in the standard partition (queue)
#SBATCH --partition=[standard, or teaching if you are an UG student]
# Specify project account
#SBATCH --account=[Project name]
# Distribute processes in round-robin fashion
#SBATCH --distribution=cyclic
# No. of tasks required
#SBATCH --ntasks=[Number of cores, eg 5]
# Specify runtime (hard) (HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --time=[Runtime, eg:50:00:00]
# Job name
#SBATCH --job-name=[Some simple description]
# Output file
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%j.out
module purge
module load [star-ccm/16.04.007-r8]
# Prologue script to record job details
# Following line is necessary for multinode jobs
srun hostname -s > hosts.$SLURM_JOB_ID
starccm+ -rsh /usr/bin/ssh -np $SLURM_NPROCS -mpi intel -machinefile $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/hosts.$SLURM_JOB_ID -batch \
-power -podkey [Your star license] -licpath $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/[Your star-ccm file.sim]
# Epilogue script to record job endtime and runtime
Copy the script above and paste it into a notepad. The notepad must be saved with a .sh
Instructions on how to send a simulation to Archie through Thinlinc or MobaXterm
- After you’ve logged in (Thinlinc only) open a terminal.
- Type in:
- Enter your password – the keys might not appear as you type.
- Open a file explorer in Thinlinc (first option on the top left) and find your
folder containing the script and simulation. In MobaXterm, navigate through the side panel – copy your files. - Go to your home on the file explorer, eg:
1 and create a new folder. Make sure there are no spaces in the name of the folder; egStarccmFolder
; paste your files there. - Copy the path eg
, go back to the terminal and type incd /users/abc12345/StarCCMFolder
; the path should update. - Type in
to send your simulation to HPC.
Instructions on how to open Star-CCM+ in Archie through Thinlinc of MobaXterm
- Open a terminal in Thinlinc (top left) or type into MobaXterm
module avail
- pressEnter
- Press
if the version of your software does not immediately show until you find the correct version, for example,star-ccm/16.02.009-r8
- Stop the listing of additional software by using
- Type into the terminal
module load star-ccm/16.02.009-r8
to open Star-CCM+ version16.02.009-r8
- pressEnter
- Type into the terminal
starccm+ -mesa&
to open Star-CCM+ - Use the software as you normally would, but do not run simulations through Thinlinc or MobaXterm - this is forbidden
- Use the guide above to send simulations to Archie
with your DS username ↩